Why should employers, academic institutions and community groups provide financial wellbeing support?
There is a lot of academic and policy institute evidence demonstrating the link between financial stress and mental health issues. There is also a significant knock-on effect in terms of productivity, performance, and absenteeism. In line with long-term government strategies, we believe that genuine financial education can alleviate these issues.
What are the workshops and services we provide for employers?
We have built a team of qualified professionals from education, psychology, human resources, and financial services.
This unique expertise and experience have been combined to design and run the following programs:
Each workshop is an interactive experience for participants so that learning outcomes can be easily achieved. Using the latest education and training techniques, we don’t just deliver information; our training methods ensure each participant has a positive action plan moving forward.
Many of us already have the skills we need to improve financial wellbeing.
This workshop aims to empower individuals to take back control of their day-to-day finances, develop financial resilience, and build confidence in their financial future. Rather than financial literacy, it is self-efficacy that drives good financial behaviours.
Taking advantage of genuine education and psychology research findings, participants will learn new ways to achieve their financial goals, adapting the skills they already have.
With a little bit of clarity and an easy-to-follow process, the future can look very bright.
This workshop aims to help individuals prepare for retirement. This is one of the most important things to plan for in anyone's life. We take participants through an eight-step process that provides the framework for a successfully planned retirement.
By the end of the workshop, participants understand what information they need, and how to use that information to make the decisions that will support their own idea of a successful retirement.
Retirement involves a series of life adventures. By making good decisions at this point in time, the future can be designed the way you want it to be.
This workshop aims to help individuals at, or just before retirement, create the plan that supports their idea of a successful retirement. In this highly interactive workshop, participants will be working alongside a regulated retirement adviser to make the all-important decisions about when to retire, how to retire, the income options, the spending plans, and how to make it all last.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a retirement plan incorporating a cash flow model. The cost of the workshop can be paid for through salary exchange by employees where a workplace pension is involved.
We also recognise that many employers want to do more to ensure that their employees are well supported when financial issues arise.
We can provide one-to-one financial coaching, new employee good financial habits training, and bespoke programs for specific industries. We are also able to arrange financial advice surgeries with carefully vetted Independent Financial Advisers.
We also understand the employment law implications when employers train and appoint financial wellbeing champions in the workplace. Employee’s finances are private and often sensitive. To avoid these significant legal complications, employers should only use independent professionals. We can provide this support within our retained services package.

How can we help?
A successful employee wellbeing program should always include a financial element.
The workshops that we have designed integrate smoothly into any company wellbeing program and aim to decrease financial stress for your valued employees.
The evidence demonstrates the commercial benefits of doing this. It can also make your company a more attractive place to work. By “giving back control”, we aim to help you support your employees more.

Community and Industry Support
We believe that as many people as possible should have access to our pioneering programs.
We provide financial wellbeing practitioner training so that those working in health, education, financial services, and community support, can make a difference. It's all about "giving back control".